Jananidhi Chit Scheme
Chit is a mutually beneficial scheme where in a group of people contributes towards the chit value and one member from the group is given the prize amount and the dividends are distributed to all the members.
Chit fund is a unique financial concept, which has flexibility to borrow or save. By paying one-month installment amount, a person gets to borrow from the chit value, by offering a discount not exceeding the maximum limit ascertained in the chit agreement. The rate of borrowing is much cheaper than several other financial schemes.
The non-prized subscriber who is a saving member up to the last installments gets dividend which is comparatively higher than the interest that are accrued by way of Recurring Deposit Schemes.
The purpose of drawing the prized amount need not be disclosed. It can be used for any need by the member, for example, house construction, marriage, education, expansion of business, or any other purpose at his discretion.
For any clarification, feel free to call: Mr. Guruprasad R- 7349431555; PratapChandra B Shetty- 9591996020; Customer Care No. 7353893335.