- Wholly owned, managed and controlled by members.
- Removes all kinds of restrictions that have come to clog the free functioning of the co-operatives and the controls the interference by the Government except registration and cancelation. .
- Formation of Co-operatives on the basis of self-help and mutual aid.
- Economic Enterprise guided by Co-operative Principles.
- More responsibility and freedom of business for the Co-operatives.
- Encourage Co-operatives to become more competitive and independent.
- Inclusion of internationally accepted Co-operative Principles in the Act.
- Promotes subsidiary organizations, partnership between co-operatives and also collaboration between co-operatives and other institutions.
- Allows any 20 or more Souharda Co-operatives to form Union Co-operatives.
- Powers of inspection, liquidation and supersession vests with the Federal Co-operative, which has a representation from all revenue districts.
- No restrictions on business with a non-member.
- Audit of accounts by the Panel of Auditors made by the Federal Co-operative instead of the Co-operative Audit Department.
- Member Responsibility includes minimum business with the co-operative and participation in the general body.
- The General Body is the final authority with regard to the recruitment of staff, pay-scale fixation, promotions, increments etc.
- The General Body is the Highest Appeal for a person who has been denied or removed of the membership by the Board.
- Inquiry will be conducted by the Registrar only on receipt of an application from not less than 1/3 of the members of the Board or not less than 1/10 of the total number of members of the co-operative or Federal cooperative with prescribed fee.
- Continuation of the Arbitration System to resolve and settle the disputes with the members.
- General Body has the final say regarding the winding up of the Co-operative or Cancelation of registration under the Act.
- Provision to enrol nominal members.